
01 September 2015

A Wizzair Odyssey

Update (01.09.2015)

First of all I would like to thank all of you for sharing. Thanks to you I got a response. 
It turns out there was a miscommunication i.e. the system replied with a misleading message that lead me thinking my booking was right. Here's the math:

158.99 + 198.99 + 4 x 16 = 422 BGN 

It turns out that I payed for one seat and got the second one free :(


Hello friend,

we all like to travel, don't we? Traveling is fun, especially when you are going places you've never been before with people you find dear. This blog post is my last desperate attempt to get what I paid for so I too can travel to a fun place with my dear friends.

Let me give you a quick introduction to the problem:

You guessed it right, it Wizzair!
Wizzair birthday is on the 19th of May and this year they decided to celebrate it with a special offer:

Two tickets for the price of one!

This is a great deal (terms and conditions), so we decided to purchase 2 tickets from Sofia to Malta and get 2 for free. 4 friends going together on a vacation, yey!

So far so good, right? But there is always but...
When I purchased the tickets on 19.05.2015 (3 months in advance) I was only prompted to enter info for 2 passengers!
Here's the itinerary I got on my email:

Now, this raised some questions, why are there only two passengers? 
If there is a promotion where the second seat is free, shouldn't there be 4 passengers? 
Or I only bought one ticket and I got the second on for free?
I got my answer when I continued to read the email:

As you can clearly see there are:
  1. 4 tickets from Sofia to Malta priced 158.99 BGN (2 discounted) 
  2. 4 tickets from Malta to Sofia priced 198.99 BGN (2 discounted, return flight)  
  3. 4 administration fees (no discounts) 
With this, I safely assumed that 4 tickets are purchased, the system needs time to process the promotion and I'll receive a notification shortly after. 

And this is where the saga begins...

After almost two months passed I decided to contact Wizzair to ask why I'm not receiving the tickets from the promotion. This is the email I sent on 30.06.2015:

This is their response on the 11.08.2015 (it took 40 days for them to respond)

Apart from spelling my last name wrong, their answer is a little vague. If there are 2 passengers for 2 flights, why did I pay 422 BGN which is around 14.000 MKD. That's the price of 2 regular return tickets Sofia - Malta - Sofia. Where is the promotion, where is the discount? Either you give me 2 tickets for the price of 1 or give me the 4 tickets for the price of 2, the price I clearly paid! 

So I decided to call the toll number (~35 MKD per minute). I call 3 times in total:
  1. The first call was quite informative. The lady tried to help, but noticed that this is not an ordinary case and asked for some time to investigate. She promised to call me back in the next couple of hours. She never did.
  2. The second call was the day after. The lady said that my case is being processed by the Customer Relations Department (a totally different department from the one I'm calling), there is nothing that she can do at the moment and asked for my patience. 
  3. 2 weeks later after my patience run out, I called for the third time and this time she said something about that the tickets needed to be purchased one by one, and that I should have immediately called otherwise, but if you are better than me at understanding terms and conditions, please point out how I missed that part.

A dear friend of mine advised, Wizzair will drag you into their bureaucracy until the flight is due just not to admit their error. You should keep calling, keep filing claims and hope for the best. 
So that's what I did. I sent two more claims with the same message on separate subjects: 

Till this present day I have no response on either. 
This is my last resort, since the flight is in one week. Please share this blog post and mention Wizzair, either on their Facebook or Twitter profile with hope that they'll read it and sort out this mess.

Unlike others, I had a good experience with Wizzair so far. I'd like to keep it that way.
Please Wizzair, don't suck!